Creating a beer with Quo

Justin with Rick and Francis
Justin with Rick and Francis

Another week and another collaboration beer successfully brought to market, this time for Wychwood brewery and Status Quo.


The legendary creation, 'Piledriver' is a beer for drinkin' all over the world! (sorry, worse puns have been used in the creation of this beer, believe me)


The beer ties in with a re-release of the album 'Piledriver' and a series of re-union tours throughout 2014 and is launched with two week exclusive listing in JD Wetherspoon's from February 17th before going on wider release from March.

Over 6 months in the making, this project continues to build on Wychwood's brand development platform with music and brings with it a different audience to the cask and bottled ale categories to further boost drinker recruitment. 


Working with the Wychwood brewing & brands team and the band's management & merchandising team has been a great collaborative experience. Rick and Francis' double act have added a lot of enthusiasm and their own unique contribution to proceedings. How a hop rubbing at the brewery brought back memories of previous inhalations was a particular highlight.

Whilst they perform well in the UK, it's their potential to develop export markets that is driving so much interest from artists and brewers alike in collaboration brews. In just nine months Robinson's and Iron Maiden's collaboration beer 'Trooper', has become the second biggest British ale brand in Sweden, one of the largest continental export territories or British ale.


So turn your amps up to 11 and open a bottle of Piledriver, it goes down, down deeper and down very easily (sorry I dId warn you about the puns earlier).







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